Pride Month 2024

As we celebrate Pride Month, it’s important to take pause and reflect on the significance of inclusive and representative spaces in our society. At a recent PrideTalks presentation, designer, artist, and editor of “Queer Spaces: An Atlas of LGBTQIA+ Places and Stories,” Adam Nathaniel Furman, posed a thought-provoking question: “How do you define a Queer space?”

Adam Furman and Joshua Mardell, in the introduction to their book, speak to how when you are “somehow different in a visible unconcealable way, you seek out spaces where you can simply be yourself, unmediated and unfettered, spaces where you can act freely in a manner that is truly consonant with your inner self.” Queer Spaces doesn’t try to draw conclusions but offers examples of what Furman calls “spaces where you can act freely in a manner that is truly consonant with your inner self.” A sentiment that we believe should be what all architecture should aim to achieve.

We look forward to further engaging with these ideas in the coming weeks, as we host an upcoming Pride Talks by Framework Leadership presentation at our Toronto office. We are excited to welcome Nyasha Harper-Michon, who will be sharing her insights on “Challenging ‘Reference Man’ and Advocating for Queer-Inclusive Cities.”

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