Miranda DelPlavignano
Interior Designer
416 925 4484 x160
Miranda DelPlavignano is an Interior Designer with Moriyama Teshima Architects, specializing in interiors. She has effectively led and assisted in the design of multiple institutional spaces from conception to completion, including the new Nova Scotia Community College Sydney Waterfront Campus, De La Salle College, and the University of Manitoba Library project. Miranda’s strong client-relation skills allow her to understand the client’s needs, assess the scope of work, and translate the requirements into creative and functional designs.
Earning her Bachelor of Interior Design at Humber College, Miranda was the recipient of the Academic Award of Excellence in her graduating year. Before joining MTA, she worked at IBI Group where she gained considerable experience in the hospitality and residential sector. Her project ranged from condominium projects in Toronto to private ski resorts in the US.
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