Will Presented at ORSA Annual General Meeting

With over 120 people in attendance, MTA Associate Will Klassen delivered a compelling presentation on Limberlost Place (our joint venture project with Acton Ostry Architects Inc.) during the Ottawa Regional Society of Architects’ (ORSA) Annual General Meeting.

Will shared his experience on contributing toward the design of this one-of-a-kind ten-storey, mass timber, institutional facility currently under construction at George Brown College’s Waterfront Campus. He also answered questions about the application of mass timber to tall building structural systems, as well as design considerations influencing sustainability, efficiency, and user experience.

“It is a privilege to share what our team has learned designing with mass timber with the architectural community here in Ontario, and be part of the discourse that ultimately pushes this movement even further.”
– Will Klassen, Moriyama Teshima Architects

Thank you to ORSA for organizing this event and to all those who took part. Looking forward to next year’s meeting!

Will Presented at ORSA Annual General Meeting